Friday, September 2, 2016

a month later

Thirty-one days ago I began a journey of removing what I referred to as distractions from my life. In the beginning I had a very clear picture in my head of what was ahead of me and I was relatively confident that it would be easy. After all, getting rid of unused stuff is easy, right? 

Everyday we fill up garbage cans all around us with our unused stuff, stuff that we often refer to as trash. But what about those things that have a use or a purpose, maybe not at the moment and maybe not even to ourselves. Do we consider that trash as well, I didn't and I believe most people don't. That's when our lives start becoming cramped with things all around us. Our closets, drawers, garages, attics and even storage units swell with things that you might wear or could use someday and we justify holding onto it with these rationales.

Despite what the initial goal might have been, this past month wasn't just about decluttering, it was about understanding why we bring items into our life and keep them there. It's about impulse consumerism and the act of saying "no".

Many decluttering experts suggest a method of decluttering with the 'keep, store, trash' method. Where you keep the items you know you want, store the items that are a maybe for a couple months to see if you ever need them, and trash what you know you don't want. As I went through the month I realized that I was in a sense doing this same thing except I referred to it as the revisit or second pass method.

Every new area in my house that I visited this past month I seemed to make a quick pass through and could easily remove a good amount of items. I then moved onto a new area continuing the same process, but as the month wore on, I was running out of items. I started revisiting previous areas and making a second pass through. I was astonished at how much I was able to remove a second time through. Some of the items I actually held in my hands and I reflected on it, asking myself questions like: 

    Why did I buy this?
    When was the last time I used it?
    What has prevented me from getting rid of it previously?

With that last question typically the linchpin that determines the items destination. On the first pass, answers like 'it was a gift from someone', or 'it was really expensive' would automatically make me put it back. However, on the second pass you tend delve into whether those answers are really significant in any way.

I realized that some of these gifts or expensive items that have been sitting around for years, untouched, had created a sort of guilt. A guilt then cements itself around the item, making it even more difficult to let go of it, ultimately creating a vicious cycle that feeds into itself. I had many things fall into that cycle and on the second pass I was able to break it, allowing a sense of relief as I knew I could let it go.

Just like anything, the more you practice or work at it the easier it gets. In dealing with minimalism, it holds true just as well. I started getting better at making decluttering decisions throughout the month. As a result, I'm starting to look at purchases with a more critical mind. 

I'm not sure if I will do a full month of the minimalism game again. Rather I will treat it like schooling in which I learned a lot and I can now apply these lessons to my daily life. In fact, my wife and I sat down on day one of this month and sorted through a whole bunch more stuff, stuff that actually made it through my second pass.

There were a lot of tough decisions that I faced throughout the month and I feel like I overcame them with a positive outcome. I'm proud of myself for what I was able to accomplish, this was a rather big undertaking to get everything together, photograph it, post to Instagram, and blog about it daily for thirty-one days. 

Would I call myself a minimalist? I'm not sure, I know that I am starting to think minimalist, but I still have stuff spread across flat surfaces in my house, things on my walls and children's toys to step over. However, I know I am 498 items closer.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

august 31

Day thirty-one, I made it. A total of 498 items I have posted over the course of the month, and I didn't think that I would get anywhere close to it by mid month. I have to admit that a bulk of today's items are actually my wife's stuff. I will take partial credit for it since we sat down the other weekend and together we went through a bunch of boxes of stuff to get rid of. I probably could have gathered some more items of my own and as I sit here now typing this, I'm thinking of another five things I could have added. 

But for now, it is the end of the month and I have achieved my goal. I have decluttered an unimaginable amount of things and learned a lot along the way. I will be putting together a final thoughts post in the next day or two, but in the meantime I think I will enjoy the new space that I have created.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

august 30

A quick trip back into my garage and getting thirty items together was easy. I'm not sure how I missed all this the first time around, but it was a combination of, I probably think I'll need this and stuff hiding in boxes. The wall plates made up the latter, and they made up for a good portion of the items today. These are all wall plates that have been replaced and serve no purpose in my home anymore, but for what ever reason I placed them in a box on my work bench. 

The vacuum is an old back up and the radio we have replaced with a Bluetooth speaker. The other items were laying around my work bench area and I see no use for any of them.

bonus items

I didn't want to use these items as part of my daily decluttering so I figured I would add them in as a bonus item post. It's not that they shouldn't count (I am adding them into my counter at the top) rather it was a spontaneous decision to sell them and it resulted in only two items not being replaced.

After a rather quick conversation my wife and I decided that our dining room set was much to nice to allow our children to destroy so we decided to sell it while it still had value and buy something used that we won't worry too much about. Essentially we did declutter in a sense since the new dining set did not come with a buffet table, and the dining room, which felt too cramped before, feels a lot more open now without it.

I also parted ways with my first flat panel television that I've had for nearly ten years. Barely used over the past year, it sat in the downstairs living room relatively untouched. Currently, we are cleaning up that room to make space for a guest that will be staying with us for a while, so it was as good a time as any to let it go.

Monday, August 29, 2016

august 29

This is about as random as it gets, I was really searching to get my number today. The biggest item today is my snowboard and boots. I've had this board since I first started and it is too small for me now. I haven't really gone snowboarding all that much in recent years and it seems worth the price to rent newer and safer equipment anyway. 

I've also thrown in some old curtain rods, TV wall mounts, a tree stand and some Eagles game day towels. The rest is just some random items I set aside daily as I look for things. There is still two more days left and I really don't know if I can come up with another sixty-one items now that my backlog is completely used up.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

august 28

We're getting into the random odds and ends now. I basically walk around my house looking at areas that I might have overlooked. There's nothing really special here just some household decorations, a random cassette tape that has who know what on it and of course some more string bags.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

august 27

The second run through my closet and drawers came up with a lot more than I thought it would. It actually yielded more items than the first time through. There's also a few coats as well as some items from the hats and gloves drawer in the main closet.