Friday, August 5, 2016

august 5

If you haven't figured it out by now, musicians tend to hold onto a lot of stuff. Today we have primarily an older bass drum pedal that I no longer use. I already have an emergency back up that is good enough to get the job done, but not really worth all that much whereas this one still has some value if I were to sell it. Aside from that we have some type of guitar switch pedal that somehow made its way into my possession and a few cables that I have no use for. The cables will get donated to my band's stash of cables, as there might be a use for them there.

There is really not all that much to say about today's items except that I originally thought I was done with the music items. However, as I looked again I found more things that I don't need, which surprises me to think of how much other stuff around my house is there that I just don't know about. I guess I'll soon find out as the days numbers get higher.

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